Taan Projects

Riparian Restoration, Spacing, Pruning, Fertilizing and More


Taan Forest is committed to create a successful forest business and economy on Haida Gwaii based on the management objectives of the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO). Unique to this order are the management of cultural heritage and forest features, culturally significant wildlife, significant protection of fish bearing waters in addition to principles of Ecosystem Based Management.

Our goal is to meet or exceeding the Land Use Objectives Order while incorporating the Haida Principle of Yahguudang respect for all living things and Haida values such as Ts’uu/SGaahlan cedar, Chiina salmon, Taan black bear, Adiidsii ga xil iinasdll plants, Xidid birds and Chiixwaay beaches to name a few.

To help meet our commitment and goal we have been working towards a permanent silviculture crew on Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Haida Gwaii comprised of members of the Haida Nation. Over the last year we have been working on projects including:

  • RIPARIAN RESTORATION for wildlife, including, salmon, black bear and raptors

  • JUVENILE SPACING for wildlife including raptors and black bear use

  • FIRST LIFT PRUNE spacing stands for wildlife including raptors

  • INDIVIDUAL TREE FERTILIZATION of cedar for enhancing carbon sequestration and cultural use of cedar

Read more about Taan projects - click below for the full article at TaanForest.com


New Board Director Terri Walker


Hippa Lodge Closure