HaiCo Board Members
Meet Our 2024/2025 Directors
HaiCo is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by a Committee of Nominators. Selection of board nominees is based on criteria that include business backgrounds and other necessary skills.
Laara E. Yaghujaanas
Laara E. Yaghujaanas, M.A., has been stláang tla'íidang (Haida: helping hands) in advancing Indigenous Nation Rebuilding for First Nations since 1997. Laara is from the yaghu ‘jaanas clan of the Haida Nation and carries her great grandmother’s name “Kun G aadaas”. Laara holds a master’s degree from Royal Roads University, was awarded the Royal Roads University Founders Award, has completed the Justice Institute Conflict Resolution and Negotiation course, is a Barrett Values Cultivating Culture Certified Consultant (Level 2) for organizational transformation, a member of the Council of Native Development Officers (CANDO), an Advisor for the Indigenous Business Awards, Chair of Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo), and currently initiating her doctorate.
Terri Walker
Terri Walker is from the Tsiits Git’Anee eagle clan from Massett Inlet and lives in HlGaagilda Skidegate.
Shane Harsch
Shane is a member of the Sanglath Sta’staas clan and grew up in Port Alberni, BC. He has over 25 years of experience in the forest products industry in sales and manufacturingis currently Vice President of Specialty Products for Woodtone based in Chilliwack, BC. Shane has a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources (Wood Products) and a Masters in Business Administration in Strategic Management from UBC.
Arnie bellis
Gwaii Guunlithin, Arnie, has served as Vice President of the Haida Nation for 12 years. A lifelong resident of Masset, he brings a wealth of experience as a fisher, forester, and tree planter. Gwaii Guunlithin, Arnie has volunteered extensively in the community and was a basketball coach for 30 years.
“Better to teach a man how to fish than give him fish.”
corey carriveau
Corey Carriveau grew up in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast and is of both Haida -of the Laana T’sadas Eagle Clan - and Cree decent, being the grandson of Wylie Brillon. Corey attended BCIT in the Financial Management program and later obtained his CPA, CMA designation in 2010.