Staff Farewell | Haida Wild
L-R: Yalh Kulh Jaadaas Laina Bell, Hannah and Alyson.
Yalh Kulh Jaadaas
Laina Bell
Yalh Kulh Jaadaas Laina Bell is from the Yahgulaanas Iits’aaw clan from Gaw Tlagée Old Massett. Her parents are Oliver and Ronda Bell. She is raising her two daughters, Alyson and Hannah, in Gaw Tlagée. Yalh Kulh Jaadaas joined our small Haida Wild team in March 2021 as our Administrative Assistant and at the end of September she decided to move over to a new position with the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN).
As our Administrative Assistant, Yalh Kulh Jaadaas supported the transition of the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fishing Initiative (PICFI) Licence and Quota Program from the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) to Haida Wild and continued with its administration and management. Yalh Kulh Jaadaas supported both Skidegate Band Council and Old Massett Village Council on their community-based fishery strategic plan as part of the Fisheries Resources Reconciliation Agreement (FRRA) and she also supported securing funding from PICFI and coordinating renovations on our fish plant.
“It was a pleasure working alongside Laina. She is a very resourceful and positive team member. We wish Laina the best in her new endeavour as the Fisheries Resource Reconciliation Agreement Manager at the Council of the Haida Nation.” - Ramona Gerak, Acting Manager, Haida Wild.
Please join is in recognizing and thanking Yalh Kulh Jaadaas for all her hard work during her time with Haida Wild. Háw’aa Yalh Kulh Jaadaas! We will miss you and we wish you all the best at your new job!