Keith Moore Board Appointment
Keith Moore
HaiCo welcomes back Keith Moore as a director at HaiCo. The appointment to a two-year term, was made by the Council of the Haida Nation Nominators Committee.
Keith is a Registered Professional Forester and an independent forestry consultant operating his own business based in Queen Charlotte. Since arriving on Haida Gwaii in the late 1970’s, Keith has been involved in many of the events involving forests, resources and people on the islands. He was involved in the Community Land Use Planning Forum, and served as a Technical Advisor in the government to government negotiations and facilitated analysis of timber supply impacts. In 2015 he worked on contract as the coordinator for the development of a comprehensive Forestry Strategy for Haida Gwaii. In 2016, he provided advice about the possible establishment of a large “community forest” on the islands. He has worked closely with the Haida Nation for many years and is vitally interested in community stability and health. His forestry consulting business has also taken him to a dozen other countries around the world where he has led or worked on forest management and forest certification projects. He is actively involved in the Forest Stewardship Council in Canada and internationally. Keith has worked for many years as a seasonal guide for visitors to Gwaii Haanas and has an interest in tourism and educational opportunities offered by the forests, waters and communities of Haida Gwaii. Keith lives in Queen Charlotte with his wife, Helen, and has two grown sons who have also chosen to return to the islands to live.