Ocean House Installation Notice
The final stages for installing Ocean House at Gaw Tlagee Old Massett will begin this Friday, October 9, 2020 until approximately October 19, 2020.
Phase 1:
Minor site preparation will occur with the removal of some earth to an alternate area
Upper beach materials stored to the side to float the barge in and then restore the beach.
Ocean House moved into place between October 17-19, weather dependent.
Phase 2:
Capping (completing) the road and access improvements
Improve the parking lot
Provision of BC Hydro power to Ocean House
Ocean House renovations to adjust to land-based operations.
The installation of Ocean House at Gaw Tlagee was approved by Old Massett Village Council, CHN and the HaiCo board in Fall of 2019. In preparation for the installation:
Two CHN Heritage & Natural Resource monitors and two archaeologists from Baseline Archaeology will be on site and all work will follow CHN protocols.
A Haida liaison has been secured to provide guidance on cultural sensitivities and is working with OMVC and CHN working group overseeing activities
Archaeological and DFO permits have been issued, and an Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Ocean House site is occurring concurrently with the project including the foreshore.
For safety reasons: the entire site, including the adjacent beach area, is closed to public access during site preparation and installation work.
#1 Commercial Centre, PO Box 1384, Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, BC V0T 1S1 or by email to info@haico.ca