Strategic Goal 4: Enterprise
HaiCo will focus on enterprises that are needed to produce a thriving, sustainable community that enhance the lives of people living on Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Haida Gwaii. This is achieved by creating or acquiring services and enterprises that serve to sustain Haida Gwaii and Haida people on all levels; financially, environmentally while improving levels of employability both on and off island.

Our Strategy envisions a well-governed and financially successful group of Xaayda • Xaadée companies that generate a diverse, functioning and sustainable economy on Haida Gwaii for the long-term well being of Haida People and culture.
Goal 4 Priorities
To meet this goal, several key priorities are considered. This includes the benchmarking of indicators linked to well-being of the Haida in addition to the continual monitoring of HaiCo's progress and pursuing new business that will serve to support Xaayda • Xaadée Haida communities.
On the improvement of the local economy in Xaayda Gwaay.yaay for the long-term.
The most imperative elements and services necessary to support a sustainable community.
Objective and verifiable indicators of the expectations established by the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) in accordance with HaiCo's Strategic Plan.